Strados Labs successfully completes pediatric asthma study!


Manage Lung Health from Hospital to Home

Identify changes in patient respiratory health objectively including coughing and wheezing

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Real-World Monitoring of Cough and Wheeze

Understanding patients’ respiratory health in the real world is a challenge, making it harder to manage diseases such as COPD or Asthma and demonstrate treatment efficacy in clinical trials. Strados Labs’ RESP™ Biosensor allows clinicians and researchers to remotely and continuously monitor lung sounds and events such as cough and wheeze, offering a more complete understanding of respiratory status in connection with devices and treatments.

RESP Biosensor Cough Monitoring Device

As Featured In

MedTech Dive
MedCity News
Deep Pharma Intelligence

The Award-Winning Remote Monitoring Technology Revolutionizing Lung Health

The world’s only FDA-cleared device that is clinically validated to capture lung sounds including coughing, wheezing, rhonchi and other adventitious breathing sounds over time without requiring episodic patient intervention.

As demonstrated in a 2019 Strados-led study with NYC Health + Hospitals, the RESP Biosensor can be used continuously and has the ability to capture more complete respiratory data compared to intermittent monitoring using an electronic stethoscope.

We designed the RESP Biosensor to be non-invasive, lightweight, and discreet, while protecting patient privacy with features such as noise filtering and step-to-step encryption. This translates into longer wear times and high patient compliance, leading to better data for clinicians.

Developed from our bioacoustic library of lung sounds, our CoughCheck™ and WheezeCheck™ algorithms automatically detect events from lung sound recordings allowing for faster processing and assessments of respiratory status.
Lung sound data are archivable, allowing clinicians to review previous recordings, capture baseline readings, and effectively measure improving or worsening respiratory health.
Lung sound data captured by our wearable device is transferred via a paired smart phone for faster access in the cloud, enabling faster results for clinical trials and timely information for care teams.

*Machine learning algorithms and respiratory rate not cleared by FDA and for investigational use only

News & Resources

Leicester Cough Questionnaire: An Overview

Leicester Cough Questionnaire: An Overview

The Leicester Cough Questionnaire (LCQ)1 is a self-reporting tool developed by S.S. Birring and others to evaluate the impact of chronic cough on a patient's quality of life. Chronic cough,2 which impacts between 10-20% of the US population,3 is a cough that can last...

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