RESP® Biosensor

Continuous lung sound and cough monitoring for stronger evidence in research studies and drug development

FDA 510(k) Class II Device | CE Mark | HIPAA Compliant

cough monitoring RESP biosensor

Research Solution Overview

The RESP® Biosensor offers researchers and drug developers a clinically validated technology for monitoring cough and lung sounds in clinical trials. Designed for daily life, our research solution offers:

  • A Patient-Friendly Form Factor: A wireless, discreet design that respects patient comfort and lifestyle.
  • Multi-Parameters: Collects a robust combination of measurements to provide novel insights and differentiate clinical programs.
  • Expert Overread: Our qualified and trained annotation team ensures accurate reporting to meet regulatory requirements.
RESP Biosensor Cough Monitoring Device

RESP® Biosensor Measures


Cough Monitoring

24-Hour Cough Frequency, Intensity* and Bouts


Lung Sounds

Wheeze, Rhonchi, Crackles


Additional Insights*

Respiratory Rate, Heart Rate, Activity Levels, Sleep/Wake, and Orientation

*For investigational use only

Expert Subject Reporting and Overread

Strados RESP biosensor data
  • Strados Labs’ trained and qualified annotation team identifies lung sounds captured by the RESP Biosensor.
  • Our semi-automated cough counting approach ensures the highest level of accuracy to meet regulatory requirements.
  • Machine learning algorithms* for automated cough counting have also been performance-tested to meet customer needs.

**Machine learning algorithms not FDA-cleared

Visual spectrograms of lung sound events facilitate overread for trained annotators




Trusted By



Lung Sounds Captured


Breaths Captured



FDA 510(K) clearances
CE Mark

RESP® Biosensor Therapeutic Areas

Using a combination of audio and motion data, the RESP Biosensor unlocks valuable insight across multiple indications, offering a more complete picture of subjects’ respiratory status and health-related quality of life alongside PROs.

Cough Wheeze Crackles Respiratory Rate* Heart Rate* Activity Level* Orientation*
Chronic Cough
Heart Failure
  • Chronic Cough
  • IPF
  • Bronchitis
  • COPD
  • Asthma
  • RSV
  • Covid-19
  • Heart Failure

*For investigational use only

For Cough Monitoring: Why the RESP Biosensor?

Privacy & Security

Incorporates end-to-end encryption and speech obfuscation to preserve patient privacy.

Accelerated Data Turnaround

Cloud-based syncs from paired mobile phone allow for remote data uploads, streamlining data reporting and overread process.

High Fidelity Device

Clinically validated to collect cough events with exceptional integrity and accuracy, including distinguishing subject-coughs from external coughs. 

Patient-Friendly Form Factor

Low-burden, sleek design aids patient comfort and compliance while mirroring real-life conditions.

Beyond Cough Count

Gain additional insight into cough burden alongside cough frequency by measuring cough intensity*, bouts, sleep/wake*, heart rate*, and other parameters*.

*For investigational use only

Cough Monitoring Device - RESP Biosensor

Wireless and Handsfree Cough Monitoring Device

  • The RESP Biosensor offers an unobtrusive and wireless form factor designed for daily life.
  • Sleek design helps ensure patients behave naturally, capturing authentic symptom data that mirrors real-life conditions and minimizes the Hawthorne effect.


View our clinical validation, whitepapers and case studies

Stepwise Validation Program
Stepwise Validation of Machine Learning Algorithm for Cough Detection

Poster Presentation, American Thoracic Society, 2022

Objective Cough Monitoring
Objective Cough Monitoring Detects More Patients with Cough Than Patient Self-Reporting

Poster Presentation, American Cough Conference, 2023

Results of Clinical performance testing in Chronic lung diseases
Results of Clinical Performance Testing in Chronic Lung Diseases

Poster Presentation, American Thoracic Society, 2022

Talk to our Team

Explore using the RESP® Biosensor in your next study