RESP® Biosensor

Transforming respiratory care and research with real-world insights on lung sounds

FDA 510(k) Cleared | CE Mark | HIPAA Compliant
cough monitoring RESP biosensor

Continuous Auscultation:
Novel Insights into Lung Health

Traditional auscultation with a stethoscope has been the gold standard for assessing lung health for over a century, with abnormal events, such as cough, wheezing, rhonchi, or crackles providing reliable indicators of blockage and other problems of the airways. 

As auscultation has been limited to episodic, in-person exams, Strados Labs developed the RESP® Biosensor to extend the temporal and geographic range of stethoscopes, providing clinicians and researchers with unprecedented access to patients’ lung sounds.

Our technology, backed by numerous publications and awards, is used globally to measure treatment response in drug development and research studies as well as in clinical settings to provide greater control and management of chronic respiratory diseases.


Clients & Partners

Mission Hospital logo
Mission Hospital logo
Mission Hospital logo

The RESP® Biosensor: Technology Overview

  • Clinically validated accuracy, with equivalent performance to Littman 3200 stethoscope
  • Continuous collection of lung sounds such as cough and wheeze to offer objective data on respiratory status passively and remotely
  • Patient-friendly device that reduces burden on patients while improving clinician efficiency

FDA 510(k) Cleared, CE Mark, HIPAA Compliant

Strados Cough Monitoring Solution

How It Works

An end-to-end solution for remote monitoring of lung sounds

RESP® Biosensor

Patient receives system and adheres device to their chest with a provided adhesive


Strados™ Mobile App

Patient starts device recording via mobile app, with lung sound data securely transferred to the app


Strados™ Cloud

Cloud securely stores data where lung sounds are identified by either algorithms or trained annotators


Track Patient Progress Objectively and Remotely

Patient reports include accurate, time-stamped data on signs and symptoms such as coughing and wheezing, allowing for greater diagnostics and insight into treatment response.

Strados RESP biosensor data

*Machine learning algorithms not FDA-cleared and for investigational use only

RESP® Fills a Gap in the Standard of Care

While standard-of-care such as pulmonary function tests and patient-reported outcomes continue to provide value in patient care and research, our technology offers a novel measure to provide the most complete respiratory picture.

RESP® Biosensor Episodic Auscultation Pulmonary Function Tests Patient Self-Reporting Cough Monitors
Objective Data
Lung Sound Collection
Low Patient Burden


View our clinical validation, whitepapers and case studies

Stepwise Validation Program
Stepwise Validation of Machine Learning Algorithm for Cough Detection

Poster Presentation, American Thoracic Society, 2022

Objective Cough Monitoring

Strados Labs: An Efficient Process to Acquire and Characterize Clinically Validated Respiratory Information

Poster Presentation, IEEE Signal Processing Symposium, 2019

Results of Clinical performance testing in Chronic lung diseases

Results of Clinical Performance Testing of a Novel Wearable Stethoscope in Chronic Lung Diseases

Poster Presentation, American Thoracic Society, 2022

For Healthcare

Improve surveillance and disease management of respiratory patients from hospital to home

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For Research

Gain stronger, objective insight into subject treatment response in drug development and clinical trials

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Learn more about the benefits of Strados Labs’ RESP Biosensor System


Frequently Asked Questions and Technical Specifications 

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We’d love to know how we can help you and your patients.